Professor of History of Art & Architecture
As an architectural historian, my research focuses primarily on modern domestic architecture, Central European (Jewish) émigré architects, and architectural exile in California, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Israel. I am particularly interested in how émigré architects fleeing national socialism during the 1930s and 1940s negotiate questions of home (Zuhause and Heimat) through and in their architectural designs and buildings. Historiographical issues arising from the exile experience, for example, why most Central European (Jewish) émigré architects who found refuge in California found little to no echoe in history of architecture, are another research focus of my scholarly work.
- Exiled in L.A.: The Untold Story of Leopold Fischer's Domestic Architecture (Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, forthcoming).
- 'Salzburg in Los Angeles—Max Reinhardt and Paul László’s vision of a Festpielstadt in the Hollywood Hills', in Wie sich Salzburg inszeniert: vom Werden einer Musikstadt, ed. by Sigrid Brandt und Thomas Wozonig (Vienna: Hollitzer, 2023), pp. 242-256. I can send an link to access this article/chapter.
- 'Berlin in London, Hiddensee in Walberswick: On Ernst L. Freud's Exile Architecture in England', in Sites of Interchange: Modernism, Politics and Culture between Britain and Germany, ed. by Lucy Wasensteiner (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2022), pp. 195-214.
- 'Ernst L. Freud: Domestic Architect: Zuhause in Berlin, At Home in London', in Freud and the Émigré—Austrian Émigrés and the Legacy of Psychoanalysis in Britain, 1930-1970s, ed. by Elana Shapira and Daniela Finzi (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), pp. 61-76.
- Ernst L. Freud und das Landhaus Frank. Ein Wohnhaus der Moderne bei Berlin (Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich, 2014).
- 'The 1925 Master Plan for Tel Aviv by Patrick Geddes', in Tel-Aviv: The First Century, Visions, Designs and Realities, edited by Maoz Azaryahu and Ilan Troen (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012), pp. 299-326.
- Ernst L. Freud, Architect: The Case of the Modern Bourgeois Home (Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books, 2012).